
Sunday, October 2, 2011

How to Write a Press Release to Promote Your Business

Press releases are on of the easiest and most inexpensive forms of advertising for any business. Yet most business owners don't know how to write a proper press release for publication in a newspaper or magazine. Here are some simple tips to write a press release to promote your business.

Things you'll need

  • A business
  • Typing paper
  • Story ideas
  • List of magazines and newspapers in your niche market
  • Editor's names and addresses
  1. Make it newsworthy. A press release is often published in a newspaper or magazine as an article, so you want to present a story about your business to the editor. One of the best ways to make your business appealing is to show what is exciting and new for that community. What makes your business unique from other businesses similar to your in town?
  2. Find your niche market. You may have a great story ready for publication, but you won't receive much business if the readers don't need your product or service. Research the newspaper or magazine before submitting your press release. If you offer child care services, submit your press release to magazines geared to mothers. If your company provides secretarial assistance to companies, you'll probably want to submit your press release to the business editor of a newspaper.
  3. Keep it simple. Remember that you're not the only business out there! Editors receive hundreds, even thousands, of press releases on their desks every day. They probably scan only a few, looking for key words that are specific for their publication. Keep your press release to about one page, focusing on the highlights of your business.
  4. Write new press releases as your business changes. It's a good idea to submit a press release any time you add new services or products, change your location, add new staff members, or expand. Keep your community aware of your company so that they will be more likely to do business with you.
  5. Continue to submit! Even if your press release is rejected from one newspaper or magazine, keep submitting. Not every publication is right for your business. But someone is in need of your press release right now, and you will be published before you know it.
Tips and Warnings
  • Submit, submit, submit!
  • Keep your press releases to one page
  • Know your niche market
  • Don't be discouraged by editor's rejection; someone needs your press release
  • Don't allow yourself to become overwhelmed; anyone can write about what they know
Taken from