
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Motivation Techniques that are the Keys to Achieving Major Success

The motivation techniques I am going to reveal in this blog are some of my top secret tips for success.

Are you wondering why one person seems to have all the motivation in the world and you have, little to none? As you start to read this article you will find yourself becoming open to some new ideas. You will see yourself getting ready to super charge your life and career!

Motivating people is one of my natural gifts in life. I love to do it and people gravitate to me for that reason. Ready to get motivated...let's rock this place!

Motivation Techniques to Raise Your Energy Level

Before you start your day, always do something that brings your energy level up. For some people this can be inspiring music. For me I always have what I call my motivational music on when I am driving to any type of presentation. I listen to songs that pump me up. Songs that say things like you are a winner, and go for the gold and you can do anything. By the time I get out of the car I know I am a winner and I for sure can do anything.

It is a known fact that music produces serotonin in your brain, which is the feel good endorphin. If music isn't your thing then listen to motivational tapes. If you get some great ones they can be extremely motivating.

Motivation Technique for Finding Your Career Purpose

One of the first things I do when I motivate other people is get inspired first. This is easy if I am inspiring you on a subject that gets me fired up.

I want to point out that is one of the main components. If you love what you're doing and you love what you're talking about your motivation around that will naturally soar. As opposed to, trying something only because you see other people succeeding at it.

If you feel connected and excited about it, you will be able to get other people to feel the same way. It doesn't matter if you don't know anyone who ever succeeded at your passion - it's your passion and if you're into it, you will succeed!

Motivation Techniques for Boosting Your Business

One of my secrets to motivation skills is choosing the product, service, career or life that generates excitement for you. If you are already in a career or have a business and you have lost your excitement, one way to get it back is by making a list of all the reasons you chose this career to begin with. You want to re-energize yourself by remembering what stood out in the first place about your product or service.

Once you're there and can remember what really gets you jazzed the motivation comes naturally. It will be in your voice, people will sense it in your body language and energy. When I am motivated that energy and enthusiasm spreads like wild fire; it's electric!

Tell yourself that everyone wants what I'm selling or offering. The reason is who wouldn't want to feel this great. If I'm energized it must be good. People know what your offering is real; you are not trying to sell them a lie. They can sense this.

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